Mixed Bag Hunts
The Species Collectors Dream!
El Dorado Outfitters is a true wing shooters paradise. There are Quail, Ducks, and Doves in an uncommon abundance.
Your mixed bag shoot will consist of 2 quail hunts, 2 duck hunts, and one dove hunt.
Ducks are hunted over decoys in small freshwater ponds and lagoons. Natural blinds are set up in advance and are located strategically to hide the hunters.
Species can vary with the three teal species being the most common. Other species include Golden Eye, Ringnecks, Pintail, Ruddy Ducks, Whistling Ducks, Blue Bills, Shovelers, Canvas Backs, Buffleheads, Gadwall, Wigeon, Mottled Ducks, Speckle Belly Geese, and Snow Geese.

Paul Anderson – Owner/Partner
Dove species include: White-Wing Doves, Mourning Doves and European Collared Doves.
Our mixed bag hunt is a true wingshooters delight!
Season: November 1, 2022 – February 28, 2022